Saturday, November 30, 2013

About life

Life is like riding a bicycle

In order to keep your balance you must keep moving

Life is is solving problems

Take every CHANCE you get in LIFE

because some things only happen ONCE

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

My hometown

Yan, Kedah is my hometown. It located about 35km from Alor Setar town. Yan is a small town and a district in Kedah. Its lifestyle is laid-back and slow-paced, with weekend attractions of natural waterfalls nearby. It also attract most pensioners to build their dream house for pleasant retirement or nurture some local fruit orchards.

The waterfalls derived from the Jerai Mountain are known as Seri Perigi, Titi Hayun and Batu Hampar. It is also famous for Mount Jerai, which is the tallest peak in Kedah at 986 metres. 

Pulau Bunting Bridge is a new bridge that connects Pulau Bunting to Yan district. It is the only bridge connecting an island in Kedah. 

It is also known as a regional tourist destination because it has beautiful scenery. Besides, it is also far from the bustle of of big cities. The people here are mostly are farmers and fishermen.

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